Backtracking: 8 Queens

Introduction Recently I started reading a book about evolutionary computing. As you can guess - its about problem solving using evolution concepts. One of the first examples in the book is about 8 queens puzzle. Its a puzzle in constraint satisfaction problem space and my guess is that it is solved with evolutionary computing later on. I think it would be interesting to look into more common algorithm for this puzzle before proceeding with the book....

April 5, 2020 · 3 min · 457 words · benetis

Let's code: CRUD in Angular with unit tests

Introduction CRUD application we are going to implement will have some additional complexity you might expect: import/export data save/load chunks data lazy data processing pagination tests This project’s source code is in github - p.s some of code parts are not in sync going down - so I advise to also fork github repo and check code yourself Requirements & Task itself Aside of the stuff we mentioned above - we obviously will be implementing CRUD operations....

May 14, 2017 · 9 min · 1740 words · Me

Let's code: Authentication in Angular #2 : Auth service

Introduction This is part two of Authentication in Angular series. This one is about building authentication part to handle OAuth calls for us. You can find first post here: We will be using redux with our angular project to help us handle side effects. Our setup - angular-cli 1.0 + Angular4 (Angular 4.1) Aims After user clicks login - we need to call OAuth endpoint to get access and refresh tokens which we will store in local storage Show errors for user We want to store tokens in our redux store so they are easily accessible and can be added as headers to our api requests Login Ah, the login....

May 10, 2017 · 7 min · 1357 words · Me

Let's code: Authentication in Angular #1 - creating login form

Introduction Login form - a gate though which user logs into application. If it is working well - you don’t notice it - if it is bad - it will always annoy you. Of course it is not only UX/UI problem - there are security implications on server side also. But we will keep these concerns beyond this post scope. We will have few blog posts on authenticating Angular application. This one will focus on login form....

April 24, 2017 · 6 min · 1142 words · Me

How to contact me. Waiting for your feedback!

Contacts and feedback Feedback is important for everyone. I am no exception. Ping me if something is off. Or you just want to say hi. You can email me at: Another way to suggest changes to blog content is to open issue here. You can add: paragraphs, comments, fixes, quotes - anything! Community contribution more than welcome. Thanks in advance! Zygimantas Benetis

April 22, 2017 · 1 min · 63 words · Me